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Needles to say, Excessively High Testosterone Levels with Bottomed Out LH &amp; FSH Levels will raise a Red Flag with the Endocrinologist and doesn’t make anybody a Candidate for Testosterone or Hormone Replacement, unless you’re Working with a Very VERY Progressive Endocrinologist. In order to get a Legitimate Prescription, I’d have a show I’m Suffering from a Hypo-Gonadal State and Prove this to the Endocrinologist with Blood Work, featured snippet,thumbnails,people also ask,sitelinks,top stories,videos,image pack. The significant amount of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, phytonutrients, etc all point to increased health and increased testosterone as well, if you are looking at things in the long term. Think about it as if your body was a car, featured snippet,thumbnails,people also ask,top stories,videos. 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